How does your prayer life help you discover your true identity?
Discussion question for June 26, 2009.
The way we pray tells a lot about who we are. If we pray in the Spirit and listen to our prayers we discover things about what we believe. How does this help us interrogate our beliefs? What types of prayer are most effective in revealing our character? Why does God answer some prayers quickly, and others not? What does that tell us about ourselves and our relationship with Him?
Here’s my summary of our discussion.
A person can track their spiritual maturity by how they pray, particularly by their prayer style. As a new believer, or one that is young in the faith, there may be a heavy emphasis on petitions and requests in prayer. As we mature our prayers become more outwardly focused.
The goal of my true identity is to be conformed to the likeness of Christ. To the extent I am able to pray “in His name” and “according to His will”, then I am praying in agreement with His character. My prayer life can change my attitude and expectations with practice. If ever my prayers seem to be without direction, then the imploring and wondering is the path toward God’s will. When He makes me wait, it makes me wonder and press in more aggressively.
The High Priestly prayer of John 17 shows an example of spiritual maturity and the true identity of the One praying. Jesus prayed for that oneness which is more than just unity – it is relationship. When I pray in the same way it builds my faith and trust in God: that He really does have my best interest at heart. So, God grows my faith by how and when He answers my prayers.
When I pray it is a way for me to turn to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:16 promises that whenever I do turn to the Lord, then the veil is taken away. The veil represents my occluded vision. Whatever is blocking will be taken away as I turn.
God is changeless; He is the same yesterday, today and forever. But, God is alive. This means He changes (responds) to me in real time. So, God is changeless in His nature and character but not in His actions or responses.
When I am praying in the Spirit then the Spirit intercedes for me. I can learn about my true identity by listening to how I pray through the Spirit. Perhaps things I believe or values I hold strongly will come in conflict with what the Spirit is praying through me. By listening I can interrogate my beliefs and replace them with truth.